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We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.
We specialize in accurate estimates for residential, commercial, and industrial projects, including new construction, renovations, and expansions. Our clients include general contractors, subcontractors, architects, and developers across various sectors.
That’s not an issue. We can create estimates based on the details and specifications you provide. Our experienced estimators will develop preliminary estimates using available data.
We provide estimating services for all major construction trades, including MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing), concrete, roofing, flooring, steel, drywall, and sitework, ensuring comprehensive coverage for every project.
Yes! We collaborate with architects and developers during early planning stages. If you have preliminary designs or specifications, we can provide accurate estimates for procurement and design needs.
We utilize various databases, including RS Means and National Cost Estimator, which offer updated, zip-code-based pricing. This ensures that our estimates are both competitive and accurate.
Our team consists of industry experts, including engineers and trade specialists. We use detailed, zip-code-based pricing that factors in inflation, material shortages, and other market conditions to ensure high accuracy.
No, we prioritize confidentiality and integrity in our business practices. Each estimate is uniquely tailored to our clients, and we never share your information with others
We utilize advanced estimating software like Bluebeam and PlanSwift to enhance precision in our estimates and takeoffs, allowing us to deliver reliable results quickly.
Yes, we provide ongoing support after delivering estimates, assisting with any questions or adjustments needed as your project progresses, and ensuring your success every step of the way.
We strive for a fast turnaround, usually providing estimates within 24 to 48 hours, ensuring you have the information you need to move forward with your project.
Contact us at the Consulting WP office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.